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3 Golden Rules for Gambling

By admin on 2009-10-10 06:31:25

There are many tips about how to win at a casino and everyone has their own opinions but of course none of them are guaranteed to produce results. There are however some “golden rules” which most gamblers would agree should be abided by even though many of the same people choose not to. Whether you choose to or not is your decision but for the record here are three of them.

  1. Do not combine alcohol and gambling. It is well documented that even a small amount of alcohol can cloud your judgment and surely you want to be at your sharpest when assessing what is happening so the best advice is don’t. It is all too easy when sitting at home and you don’t have to worry about driving to have a few and generally your house measures are larger than pub measures. Having said that rule 2 applies so don’t let the lack of a drink spoil your entertainment.
  2. Do not expect to win. We all hope to win when playing casino games and indeed there will be times when we do but we must also realise that Casinos have an edge in all games and eventually they will come out on top. The exception to this rule is Poker where you are not playing against the house but against other players but even the best Poker players do not always win. Treat your gambling as form of entertainment which like most other forms of entertainment you usually have to pay for which brings us neatly on to rule 3.
  3. Separate your gambling money from your other money.  As stated in rule 2, gambling should be form of entertainment so have a budget and expect to spend it. If you go out for dinner you choose your restaurant usually according to what you can afford or at least what you are willing to spend. Gambling should be treated in exactly the same way; decide what you are willing to spend and if you end up spending it you should have had a good bit of entertainment and you never know you just might turn a profit.