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Some online casino games warrant a bit of thought

By admin on 2012-07-24 09:53:43

If you are a new visitor to, it is possible that you are not only interested in playing casino games online, but you may also be a novice in terms of the casino games themselves. If this is the case, and you do not necessarily want to just play the slots, we have detailed the rules and some strategies of most of the standard casino games you will find at the online casinos on our individual casino games pages. It is also important that new online casino gamblers are aware of the odds which apply to the various casino games they may be tempted to try. Some casino games, such as roulette and many of the dice games make the odds very clear, because the pay-out for a win is directly comparable with the odds of that number or group of numbers actually coming up, but many of the card games are less clear and warrant a bit more thought. Assuming that as a new online casino gambler you are not going to plunge straight into the more complicated arena of online poker, we will concentrate our discussion in this article on the popular casino game of blackjack. The rules of blackjack are very simple, and most of us will have played pontoon before in our lives, but knowing the odds of a particular card being dealt can improve greatly your chances of winning. Did you know for instance that the most likely total of a two card hand is 20, because there are eleven combinations which make this total. If the dealer is showing a 10 you should bear this in mind when making decisions on your own hand. What about the decision regarding a 16 in your hand, do you always stay knowing that the dealer must draw on 16, or do you take a gamble because you know that there is a 40% chance that you will not bust. The odds on casino games such as blackjack are fascinating, and because they are relatively easy to calculate there is no excuse for not having a go at improving your odds of winning by knowing the risk you are taking when you make your decision. Don’t forget you also have the free play option to help you, so have a go and the best of luck.