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Let it ride poker is a bit different but great fun

By admin on 2010-12-17 10:48:28

Let it Ride Poker is a great alternative to the regular poker games and is also a good way to learn the value of hands and their frequency of occurrence. Let it ride is played against the dealer but the dealer does not actually have a hand which makes it in a way similar to video poker; you win if your hand is good enough and the better your hand is, the better are the odds that are paid. The slightly unusual thing about let it ride that differentiates it from other casino games is that you place your maximum bet at the beginning and have the chance to withdraw part of it if you do not like your chances of winning; most casino games work the other way around starting with a low bet and increasing if you think you can win but that does make a difference. Full details of let it ride are covered in our game rules page but in brief the idea of the game is to form a 5 card poker hand of one pair of tens or better. You are dealt three cards at the start of the game and two more face down cards are on the table. There are three betting rounds, one at the start before the cards are dealt and then one more before each of the face down cards are turned over. At the second and third betting rounds you have the chance to withdraw your bet or let it ride which is where the name of the game comes from. An interesting feature is that even if you decide to withdraw a bet at the second round of betting you are still in the hand and can make a decision about the third bet totally independently from your decision in the second round. Go to our game rules section and then try it on free let it ride; we are sure you will find it quite fascinating.