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How have the online casinos achieved such success

By admin on 2014-03-04 10:32:10

Further to our recent discussions regarding the availability of innovations such as the Free Play option offered by the online casinos, we thought we would take a look at some of the other possible reasons why the online casinos have proved to be such a success. Perhaps we should first look at how we here at define success when we relate it to the performance of the online casinos. In our opinion the online casinos can be described as successful because they have been able to bring the idea of playing casino games to a much broader audience than simply those who were already accustomed to playing casino games at a real casino. The online casinos have done this by concentrating on their inherent advantages over real casinos, the main ones being no space restrictions and lower overheads. Those of us who started playing casino games before the online casinos became available have to admit that our choice of casino games was extremely limited. How many of us ever had the chance to play baccarat or backgammon for instance, and even playing poker was a rare event and that is before we take account of the enormous range of slots we can now play online. Many bingo fans stopped playing when the smoking ban was introduced, but they can now play a range of bingo games at home at the online casinos. Then we come to the effect of the reduced overheads. It is fair to say that most responsible casino games players who visited the real casinos treated it as an occasional night out, and budgeted for it in the same way as they would going to a good restaurant of the theatre. The online casinos however now offer everyone the chance to play a huge range of casino games for very small stakes, and by doing so have brought the excitement of playing casino games to a much bigger section of the population. In our opinion this factor alone explains why the concept of playing online casino games as a regular leisure activity has reached such a broad new customer base and expanded the online casino industry so rapidly.