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Right2Bet is running a petition to influence EU legislation

By admin on 2009-11-02 07:55:18

If you are a regular reader of articles on this portal you will be aware of the restrictions that several EU countries have placed on online gaming. They use many excuses for their actions such as protecting the consumer but mostly it is about protecting their state owned monopolies so Right2Bet would like to do something about it. You may not have heard of Right2Bet but they are an organisation that believes that consumers in the EU have a right to be able to choose and that includes choosing which company they wish to bet with irrespective of in which member state that company is based as long as they are licensed. Current EU law of course forbids interruption of open market trade but some national legislators are moving very slowly or not at all where online gaming is concerned. Right2Bet looks to use a clause in the legislation which allows public opinion to influence laws within the union as long as there are 1 million signatories backing a proposed action. So far they have only reached 10,000 but it is start and there is hope that as news of the action spreads, more and more people will sign up. They have a dedicated web site explaining what they stand for and how to add your name to the petition.