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Online casinos prove that numbers games remain popular

By admin on 2015-03-11 10:20:37

Here at we continue to be surprised at the difficulties our high street bingo clubs appear to be having in attracting new players. The introduction of the no smoking laws some years ago did seriously affect the bingo clubs at the time, but this was followed by a surge in interest in the game of bingo amongst younger players and it was thought that this would set them back on track. Unfortunately it appears that this revival was not sustained and the bingo clubs are still struggling. The reason why we find this difficult to understand is that the online casinos are still reporting that online bingo is still one of the most popular online casino games, and that the number of people playing numbers games online is continuing to increase. All the major online casinos offer a variety of bingo games in their casino games range and many have also introduced new numbers games such as Keno, which is also proving popular. The bingo clubs are of course not the only social venues to be having problems, and many pubs have been forced to close or convert to a more food based environment to survive. Perhaps we are all becoming more insular in our leisure time, preferring to play our favourite games at home. Certainly the introduction of gaming consoles and online casinos have made it easy to play games on our own at home, and of course it is probably cheaper than going out. Although we at are obviously firm supporters of playing casino games at the online casinos, we also think that playing games in the company of others is very beneficial and hope that we will see a revival in the fortunes of the bingo clubs and of course the high street casinos. At least the online casinos are proving that numbers games such as bingo and Keno remain popular so there is hope.