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Final Golden Rules of Gambling

By admin on 2009-10-19 06:15:04

We have so far published 8 Golden Rules in a sequence of articles and here are the final two for your consideration  which make sense but not everybody will follow.

  1. Choose your Poker table carefully. This sounds like a strange tip but it is very valuable until you really know what you are doing especially with online games. In a casino you can see who you are playing against, online you cannot; you do not know how experienced a player is against you , you don’t even know whether they are using one of the many computer programmes that are available to help. Online Casinos will generally try to spot the use of computers but even they are not infallible. A game might seem small stakes to start with but it can quickly escalate. You may decide to play a 10/20 cent game with a buy in maximum of $20 but if players are at the table with $30 or $40, one all-in bet could wipe you out. If you have the choice play a table where most if not all have small pots available which will limit your downside. Beware also the player who frequently tops up to the maximum; this indicates a player who is willing and able to lose more than the table limit which could be difficult to judge.
  2. Take it with a pinch of salt. Don’t pay too much attention the people who claim to have made large amounts of money, they tend to have selective memories. After all nobody is going down the pub or club to brag about how much they lost in the casino last night. Conversely, be sensitive and don’t brag about your winnings in public; do they really want to know that you won when they didn’t?