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Bwin releases new dice game called Maxi Yatzy

By admin on 2009-12-13 08:19:20

Bwin has come up with another version of the popular dice game Yatzy using 6 dice instead of 5 and they are calling it “Maxi Yatzy” The principles of the game remain the same to maximise your score on the score pad within the given time frame (6 minutes in the case of Maxi Yatzy) and you score bonus points if you have time remaining. So what are the differences between Maxi Yatzy and regular Yatzy?

Firstly, the bonus for the totals of ones through sixes. In normal Yatzy the required total to trigger the bonus of 50 is 63 but in Maxi Yatzy as you have 6 dice instead of 5 the required total is 84 but the bonus is increased to 100 points.

One pair, two pairs, three of a kind, four of a kind, small straight, large straight, a full house and chance are all the same in both games.

Five of a kind in regular Yatzy is rewarded with 50 points but in Maxi Yatzy it is much easier to get so the score is simply the sum of the 5 dice.

Now we come to the additions; three pairs which must be different pairs collect points according to the sum of the dice; a full straight (1,2,3,4,5,6) collects 21 points which is the sum of the dice; a Villa which is two off three of a kind which must be different collects point according to the sum of the dice; a Tower which is a four of a kind plus a pair collects points according to the sum of the dice and finally a Maxi Yatzy (6 of a kind) is rewarded with 100 points.

The final difference which is an important one is that if you elect to fill in the score sheet before you have used all three rolls in a particular round they can be carried forward to subsequent rounds up to a maximum of 7 rolls. This can be very useful as you approach the end of the game. Bwin is the only place where you can try this new variation so register and give it a go. You will find it under the “Games” tab rather than the “Casino” tab but your registration will take you to the home page from where you can access easily.

Best of Luck