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Blackjack is a simple online casino game but be careful

By admin on 2012-08-31 10:29:27

Even in these days of online casinos, Blackjack remains one of the most popular casino games. One of the reasons for this enduring popularity is probably the fact that many of us were brought up with the game of pontoon in our childhood, and we therefore feel that this is one casino game which we understand. It is however worth having a look at Blackjack in more detail, particularly regarding the odds of drawing a good card at any particular point in the game. There are two important factors which we should take into account when playing Blackjack at an online casino. First, the dealer must draw a card on 16 and that means that there is a more than 60% chance of the dealer busting. Remember the same odds clearly apply to you if you decide to draw a card on 16 and you do have a choice. Secondly, the objective of this casino game is not necessarily to get as close as possible to 21, it is simply to beat the dealer. We point this out because there is one way to ensure that you will lose and that is to bust. If you bust it won’t matter what sort of hand the dealer has you will lose. On the face of it Blackjack is an easy casino game, and if you are fortunate enough to be dealt 17 and above every hand, then whether you win or lose depends entirely on the luck of the draw. It is the hands you are dealt with a value of 16 or less that will probably eventually determine whether you win or lose over the course of a Blackjack session, and your decisions must depend on what card the dealer is showing. For example if the dealer is showing a 5 or a 6, it is potentially a weak hand with a risk of busting, so the last thing you want to do is take yourself out of the game by being over ambitious on your own hand and busting. Blackjack is of course a casino game of chance, and it doesn’t matter how knowledgeable you are about the odds, if the luck is not with you anyone can draw a 10 on a 12 hand and bust. All we would say is don’t bust your hand carelessly, give it some thought.