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Bingo is perhaps the fastest growing online casino game

By admin on 2012-10-24 08:33:09

As we have commentated on many times, the online casinos have reinvented the term casino games, and there are now so many different casino games available to play at the online casinos that our individual casino games pages take up most of the space on this site.  Fortunately not all the online casino games require any detailed explanations because they are so well known that almost everyone in the country knows how to play them. One of these is online bingo, which is reported to be the fastest growing online casino game in Ireland. It would appear that in spite of falling attendances at bingo halls around the country, the game of bingo remains at least as popular as it ever was and is now attracting gamblers of all ages, both male and female, so completely destroying the stereotype of the middle aged female bingo hall clientele. The online casinos seem to have backed another winner with online bingo, and most now offer interesting variations of the basic game of bingo with games using 80 or 75 balls and several new patterns on the cards. The principle of online bingo remains the same of course, with players attempting to compile winning lines from the numbers drawn. Cards can be purchased at very little cost and the potential prize money is enhanced by the availability of linked games much the same as you will find at the bingo halls. Most online casinos also operate rolling jackpots with their online bingo games which again offers the opportunity for online bingo gamblers to win big prizes for very small stakes. The combination of small stakes and potentially big prizes is clearly a winner and goes a long way towards explaining the surge in interest being reported by the online casinos. Maybe it’s time we all had another look at this simple and value for money casino game.